Fishing/hunting report
Barrett: The 137 anglers checked reported 1,566 bass, 43 bluegill and 11 crappie. Open to catch-and-release fishing and barbless hooks only every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Reservations for August available through Ticketmaster tonight at 7 by calling (619) 220-8497 or . Chollas: Open daily to youngsters 15 and under. San Diego Fly Fishers sponsors a Lend-A-Rod program on Sundays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and it includes free bait and tackle and fishing tips.
Cuyamaca: Open daily.
Diamond Valley Lake: Still getting reports from bass anglers about 30-bass days. And striped bass action has been good for bigger fish. Russell Nievar, Anza, 20-pound striped bass, swimbait. John Balderson, Sage, 20-0 striped bass, swimbait. George Delgado, Temecula, 18-pound striper, swimbait. Eddie Martinez, Fontana, 12.5-pound striped bass, Fish Taco lure, East Dam. Trout fishing has been slow, with most of the fish being caught in water 20 to 30 feet deep. Michael Wolf, Redondo Beach, two trout, with a 5-pounder topping the catch. Open daily. Launch ramp closed until further notice.
Dixon: Night fishing here every Thursday and Friday. Another 1,000 pounds of channel catfish added this week. Shoreline fishing is permitted until 11:45 p.m. on Thursday and Friday. Night boats may be rented starting at 5 p.m., but must be returned to the dock by 10:45 p.m. Boats are half price. There will be a limited amount of shoreline to fish after the park closes. Open daily.
El Capitan: Anglers reported catching and releasing 42 bass, keeping one bass, 28 bluegill, 3 blue catfish and 1 channel catfish. Fishing and water activities permitted Thursdays through Saturdays, with Sundays reserved for water contact only. Fishing only on Mondays. Water contact activities include water-skiing, wake-boarding, Jet Skis, towing inflatables. All persons entering reservoir property must purchase a day use permit.
Henshaw: Catfish action best here, but there is plenty of other good fishing for largemouth bass, crappie and bluegill. Lance Molina, La Jolla Indian Reservation, 5-pound channel catfish, shrimp, Rocky Point. Bluegill action also picking up. John Lowell and his son, Jared, Temecula, 25 bluegill, best a 1-pounder, and John also caught a 4-pound largemouth bass. Bill Meyers, San Diego, 12 bluegill, most a half-pound. Crappie also active. Lee Doss, San Diego, 12, most in the half-pound range. Darrel Langley, Mesa Grande, two bass, a 6.25-pounder and a 5.5-pounder. Open daily, Friday and Saturday for night fishing.
Hodges: The 227 anglers checked reported 1 bass kept (288 bass released), 25 channel catfish, 7 crappie and 1 blue catfish. Tim O'Connor, Santee, 8.20 blue catfish and 5.05 bass (released), crawdads, Boat Dock. Tom Leedom and Brian Kowalski, 5 bass (released), 11.30 with a 4.07, spinnerbaits, all over. All private boats must be inspected for quagga mussels prior to being launched. Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Jennings: Best catfish action in Hermit Cove on Friday and then moved to the Floating Boathouse on Saturday. Redear sunfish being caught on meal worms, wax worms and most in 15 feet of water. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Friday and Saturday until 11:30 p.m. for night fishing. Check for more information.
Loveland: The 86 fishermen reported 9 bass (all released), 64 bluegill, 7 carp and 4 channel catfish. Open daily to hike-in fishing only on a limited area of shoreline. No permits required. Fishing license is required. New 140-foot fishing pier open on the west side of the fishing cove.
Miramar: The 104 anglers checked reported 45 bass (all released), 36 bluegill, 5 channel catfish and 6 carp. Open daily to fishing and boating. Pay fees at iron ranger or electronic pay station near the concession building.
Morena: Open daily.
Murray: The 66 anglers checked reported 1 bass kept (23 bass released), 7 bluegill and 3 channel catfish. Open daily to fishing and boating. Pay fees at iron rangers near the abandoned concession building or at key access points.
Otay, Lower: The 214 anglers checked reported 8 bass kept (174 bass released), 583 bluegill, 11 channel catfish. Lonnie Wheaton, Lakeside, 9.20 bass (released), crawdad, Otay Arm. Cecil L. Brookins, San Diego, 2.30 bluegill, wax worm, Harvey Arm. Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Pay fees at iron rangers near the boat launch and abandoned concession building. Boat rentals available.
Otay, Upper: The 7 anglers checked reported 26 bass (all released). Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday for fishing, sunrise to sunset. Upper Otay is a catch and release only fishery. Bait is not permitted, only artificial lures with barbless hooks. Boats are not permitted on Upper Otay, only shore fishing, waders and float tubes.
Poway: Fair bass fishing, with bigger ones still showing and chasing shad. Catfish action good at night. Aida Brown, 11-0 channel catfish, mackerel, Log Boom. Danielle Washington, San Diego, 8-0 channel catfish. Robert Bosco, El Cajon, 1.25 redear sunfish, micro jig, Hidden Bay. Night fishing here every Friday and Saturday. The Lake Poway Midnight Catfish Craze is Friday, July 31, 4 p.m. to midnight. Tickets available soon at the Lake Poway Grill & Tackle. Motorboat sales will start at 3 p.m. Friday, July 31 on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Lake will be closed for boating and fishing Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. to allow the staff to prepare for the event. Open Wednesday through Sunday. In order to prevent the introduction and infestation of quagga mussels, the following items are prohibited at Lake Poway: float tubes, private motors and anchors, live bait containers, fish finders, floating catch baskets, live bait from any source other than the Lake Poway concession, any items the staff considers to be potential contaminants.
Santee Lakes: Cameron Balough, 16, Santee, 9-4 bass, night crawler, Lake 4. Kenny Heier, 15, Santee, 5-8 bass, night crawler, Lake 4. Nice, early morning bite on catfish in Lakes 2, 3 and 4. Next night fishing event set for Thursday. Lakes 1 through 4 open until 11:30 p.m. Check . Open daily.
San Vicente: Closed. For construction schedules and information on the Emergency Storage Project, go to the San Diego County Water Authority's web site at and click on San Vicente Dam Raise.
Skinner: Very good catfish action here, with fish up to 8 pounds reported. Stripers still hitting and most active near the dam and inlet. Bluegill bite is steady, with afternoon fishing best from a bobber and with small pieces of night crawlers, meal worms or wax worms doing the trick. Vic Lawrence, Moreno Valley, 6 channel catfish, best a 8-pounder, chicken liver, Ramp No. 2.
Sutherland: The 54 anglers checked reported 2 bass kept (84 bass released), 30 crappie, 14 channel catfish and 18 carp. Vic Williams, Ramona, 21.10 blue catfish (released), jig. Zack Balcone, 8, Mesa Grande, 2 carp, 19.20 with a 10.55. Sydney Honadle, 7, Ramona, 12.50 carp, bread. Kenny Morytko, Ramona, 10.70 carp, bread. Mark Dodson, San Diego, 7.00 bass (released), crawdad. Greg LeRoy, Ramona, 6.25 bass (released), shiner. Del Lambert, Ramona, 5.45 bass (released). All boats must be inspected for quagga mussels prior to entering the lake. Open Saturday and Sunday for fishing and boating, Monday for shoreline fishing only.
Sweetwater: The 31 anglers reported 4 bass (all released), 1 carp. Open Saturday, Sunday and Monday to limited shoreline fishing only.
Wohlford: Due for another 1,000 pounds of channel catfish tomorrow. And will get catfish stocked every other week until mid-August. Be sure to drop by the Ranger Station for the dougbait recipe that works great for catfish and carp. Good bass fishing early and late. Catfishing has been very good. Robert Adams, Escondido, limit of channel catfish, with a best at 2-15, chicken liver, Oakvale Cove. Crappie fishing also fair. Each month Whopper Contest winners in 4 categories are awarded a free fishing and boating permit. Check . Whopper Contest winners for June were: Promoane Souvannakhot, 10-10 bass; Homer Gray, 1-14 crappie; Alan Solis, 4-4 channel catfish. Felix Lopez leads the July Whopper Contest for trout with a 2-10 rainbow. Open daily. Ban on private boats remains in place due to the threat of quagga mussels. Other banned equipment include canoes, kayaks, float tubes, trolling motors, fish finders, anchors, etc. Rental boats available. Open daily.
Catfish stocking schedule: Wohlford and Dixon, each with 1,000 pounds. Poway, 1,000 pounds.
Pt. Loma Sportfishing, H&M Landing, Fisherman's Landing: 100 anglers, five 1-½-day boats: 138 albacore, 22 yellowtail, 8 bluefin; 41 anglers, two three-quarter day boats: 83 calico bass, 200 sand bass, 2 white seabass, 8 barracuda, 31 sculpin; 119 anglers, three half-day boats: 282 calico bass, 5 sand bass, 4 barracuda, 20 rockfish.
Seaforth: 16 anglers, one 1-½-day boat: 6 albacore, 1 yellowtail. 3 anglers, one three-quarter day boat: 1 white seabass, 15 barracuda, 14 sand bass. 116 anglers, five half-day boats: 165 barracuda, 291 calico bass, 2 sand bass, 34 rockfish, 1 sculpin. 28 anglers, one twilight boat: 21 calico bass, 28 rockfish, 37 mackerel.
Oceanside: 19 anglers, one three-quarter day boat: 5 sand bass, 17 calico bass, 1 sheephead, 10 rockfish; 20 anglers, one half-day boat: 2 sand bass, 24 calico bass; 8 anglers, one charter boat: 4 blue sharks, 1 mako shark.
Overview: Good action for calicos, sand bass, with halibut and white seabass also showing locally. Jumbo squid popping up in La Jolla. Here's a report from Larry Laumann: “It's not often that you get to play with live Humboldt squid and watch them gliding around in a tidepool! Each year, we may see a couple of them washed up (dead) on the beach in the spring/summer, but, this is a rare event to capture them alive from the beach. Well . . . at least I've never done it before, and I've spent the last 30 years around California's beaches. I believe that a large school of them just got trapped in our warm water after that very cold upwelling current from La Jolla canyon last week. Normally they live 500-to 2,000 feet deep in the ocean canyons. They get weak and disoriented in the shallows where the water is too warm for them to survive, and they end up drifting in eventually, usually dead. I caught these ten live Humboldt squid in the shallows near Windansea beach and carried them to a big tidepool nearby to watch them swim. They were in various states of health, but all were alive. These things can be vicious if they get hold of you. I was goofing around swimming with them, and ended up with some cheesegrated areas on my legs and feet where they latched a tentacle and I pulled them off – apparently they have tiny hooks in their suction cups! Now I know. This happened in summer 2009 about a block from my place.”
East Cape: Yellowfin tuna up to 40 pounds chasing porpoise. Dorado starting to school closer to shore with fish in the 5-to 30-pound range. Striped marlin and sailfish spread out, but fairly line shy. Roosterfish continue to thrill inshore anglers. Also pargo up to 25 pounds and jack crevalle both hitting. Anglers of the week: Richard "Cass" Castenada from Cass Tours, and Mike Chavira, both from Placentia Calif., two days fishing on El Guapo, 25 jack crevalle released, 4 pompano to 12 pounds, two dorado, two pargo to 15 pounds, two yellowfin tuna, two roosterfish in the 60-to 70-pound range.
La Paz: Dorado, yellowfin and wahoo spiking the action here. The wahoo bite surprised all with fish in the 25-to 50-pound range nailing lures on the troll and on the pitch. Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunters International said clients were into schools of dorado so thick that two fish actually jumped in the boat. One guy was hit in the back by one jumping dorado as he was hooked up and fighting another. Roosterfish, marlin and sailfish also showing in what has been a tremendous run of fishing off La Paz. Ryan Hershey, Colorado, hooked an estimated 700-pound blue marlin. Barry Wood, Orange, had on an estimated 400-pounder before it spooled him.
Cabo San Lucas: Fair fishing for striped marlin, with about half the boats getting a billfish. Ed Zieralski: (619) 293-1225;